Interested in joining me to learn kecak in Bali next spring?? See this post for more information and details below! Email me at allthingstaiko (at) gmail (dot) com if you're thinking about joining and I'll add you to the mailing list!
Short Course
Dates: May 7-11
$990 USD + flight (arranged by you)
- 24 hours kecak instruction
- 1 day or 2 afternoons of site-seeing
- Airport pick-up/drop-off (arr. May 6, dep. May 12)
- 6 nights lodging (based on double occupancy)
- meals (not including meal out)
Long Course
Dates: May 7-16
$1840 USD + flight (arranged by you)
- 40 hours kecak instruction + 8 hours elective instruction (TBD Some possibilities include: dance, rindik, gamelan, kendang, suling)
- 1 full day and 1 afternoon site-seeing
- Airport pick-up/drop-off (arr. May 6, dep. May 17)
- 11 nights lodging (based on double occupancy)
- meals (not including 1 lunch out and 1 dinner out)
Next Steps:
If you're interested in joining the retreat, please send us a Letter of Interest telling us who you are, why you're interested in kecack and how you feel this experience will inform you as a taiko player. This is due by January 15, 2012 via email to: allthingstaiko (at) gmail (dot) com.
There is a limit of 32 participants. Based on how many letters we receive, we can finalize the fees by January 31 and will require your verbal commitment by February 15. Here's the timeline:
January 15: Letter of Interest due
January 31: Final fee schedule set
February 15: Verbal commitment due
March 1: Full payment due
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